Why should I pay on the termination of an assignment contracts

Jun 1, 2012


Immigrant workers from different parts of the world choose England as a place of destination in search of paid work. An agency worker’s contract was terminated without any notice by the end-user. It was a fixed term contract.

The reason provided for the instant termination appeared to be closure of the business. The recruitment agency acting as a paymaster became aware of the termination of this agreement with end-user so they tried to take undue advantage of the worker’s vulnerability by asking for several thousands of pounds to release the worker from the assignment agreement which is really an inappropriate attempt. This attempt of a recruitment agency failed dramatically when we were instructed in this case.

We gathered evidence during the exchange of correspondence. We brought this to the attention of our client that notice period was not disclosed properly by the recruitment agency. Finally, it was made clear to the recruitment agency, and they accepted that the worker had to pay nothing towards the termination of an assignment agreement. There are many workers who are threatened with legal action, and they are forced to pay damages to withdraw from the assignment agreement, despite there was nothing agreed verbally or in writing before forming such an assignment agreement.

One should take legal advice immediately when such demands are made by their recruitment agency. We have protected this agency worker by advising them on their contractual rights and entitlement on termination. This worker was threatened by the recruitment agency in writing about the alleged breach of contract and their attempt to issue court proceeding if the worker failed to pay them. Agency workers are poorly treated at work because of their lack of knowledge of legal intricacies. There are only few courageous workers who fight for their rights despite being in such a vulnerable position. We know all they want is legal assistance and guidance to challenge the recruitment agency. Legal Comfort Solicitors are always there for such legal support, guidance and assistance. So if you are an immigrant worker and have a complaint against any recruitment agency then come to us we will guide you through the legal process.

You will no doubt learn from us, as we are very educational and open in our approach in an attempt to fight for justice to all.

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