Let Justice Prevail

Aug 9, 2013

Let Justice Prevail
Our client was employed by one of the law firms in London as a Practice Manager under a written contract of employment.

The principal of the law firm spat at our client in the presence of other solicitors of the firm. This incident occurred when our client confronted the principal in relation to an agreed 50% commission that our client was entitled to, in addition to fixed monthly salary.

As a direct result of the fundamental breach of the employment contract as stated above, our client resigned and claimed constructive dismissal, breach of contract for the loss of one weeks’ notice pay, and two week unpaid wages.

Our client was cross examined by the other side on the point of credibility. They alleged that he was employed by their firm of solicitors as a Practice Manager, our client was simultaneously working for another law firm as a consultant and thus breached the contract.

Our client was also cross examined that the contract copy relied upon was fabricated. The trial judge found that the principal of the law firm was making contradictory statements in relation to the contract of employment. This shows that our client was a symbol of truth and accuracy.

The evidence presented to the Court also revealed the findings of fact that the contract of employment relied upon by our client was the contract agreed between the parties which had balanced terms and conditions. The District Judge has awarded our client with two weeks unpaid wages, one week notice pay and also found that our client was constructively dismissed.

In relation to the claim of 50% commission, the court was persuaded by the cross examination and legal submissions of our counsel that the legal work was in fact carried out by our client on private files. However, the principal of the firm deliberately chose not to disclose the files and their invoices that were in their possession. The principal as an employer should have disclosed this information, which they failed to do despite court’s order of disclosure and Unless Order.

Ironically, the defendant’s solicitor sent our firm a letter informing us that the claim filed by our client has no reasonable prospects. We never replied to this letter because we felt that such types of letters deserve no response. It was Mr. Patel who prepared the quantum of this claim both on unpaid wages, notice pay and 50% commission.

On the trial bundle, there are two other solicitors whose wages were unlawfully deducted by the same principal of the firm.

Moreover, to stand against such injustice against their fellow colleagues, somebody has to stand firm to fight for justice. If you believe that you are a victim of any tyrant principal, then please do not sit in the dark and suffer, just pick up the phone or email us your query. We are here to assist you.

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