Criminal Defence

Criminal litigation refers to a trial in Magistrates Courts and Crown Courts.
We defend criminal cases and accept instructions depending upon the nature of the allegation and the likely prospects of success.

Representation of a Solicitor and a Barrister can be provided in the Magistrates and the Crown Courts.

Our representatives, solicitors, and our chosen barrister can attend trials in criminal courts, this would include the preparation and presentation of your case in Court effectively.

We will discuss our fees in advance at every stage of the proceedings.
Our criminal defence Solicitors are outstanding as they have many years of experience, and are very supportive, particularly known for our skill in providing strategic, sensible and practical criminal law advice.
We continue to be involved in many of the leading cases and accept reasonable and lawful instructions from individual and corporate clients.
We give our clients the opportunity to discuss and explain their case in depth with our staff members and Solicitors.

If you require any form of legal assistance in any situation it is worth sending an email to us on

You can discuss your requirements with us so a meeting can be arranged with our qualified solicitor dealing with criminal cases.

You will be requested to be present in our office along with all the necessary documents that you have received from the Police, CPS or Borough Council during the course of the criminal proceedings.
We will assist you to prepare your defence.

Legal Advice Form

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